The French Naval Academy Research Institute (NARI) is a pluri-disciplinary research center oriented to the maritime environment. The Naval Academy Research Institute is a member of the national scientific cluster “Europôle Mer”, that groups several universities and engineering schools whose research activities are oriented towards the marine environment. NARI is also nationally recognised as a research center (EA3634), part of the national networks of the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers” (Arts et Métiers ParisTech). Moreover, the NARI develops several national and international partnerships with several international universities and research centers. It currently hosts 30+ PhD students members of the doctoral school “Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Mer” in its domain of activities. The Institute is organised in two research groups :
- The M2EN Group (Mechanics and Energy in Naval Environment)
- The MOTIM Group (Maritime Information MOdeling and Processing), recently created by merging of the GIS and UWA groups.
The research domains covered at the NARI are as follows:
- Mechanics and hydrodynamics oriented to the study of cavitation phenomena, propellers, and renewable energies in the maritime domain;
- Geographical Information Systems and the modelling and simulation of two- and three-dimensional spatio-temporal systems, with a particular emphasis on the maritime environment;
- Underwater acoustics and the observation of the sea-bed.
Research at the NARI is developed and valorised in relationship with the research and industrial cluster « Pôle Mer Bretagne » whose objective is to favour the diffusion of research results towards the industry. The domains currently covered by these industrial partnerships include maritime security, naval maintenance, renewable marine energies and maritime environment.