Project coordinator: is responsible for the execution and strategic management of the project and is in charge of all the communication with the European Commission.
Scientific manager: is responsible for the scientific vision of the project, scientific supervision of the work packages, planning, and control of activities.
Technical manager: is responsible for the technical vision of the project, as well as, for monitoring the technical development and the integration of all deployed components.
ATM Use Case Lead is responsible for representing the ATM use case partners of the consortium in the management structure and is responsible for ensuring continued access in the ATM use cases components, data and expert advice that the project will need for evaluation and validation of solutions.
Maritime Use Case Lead is responsible for representing the marine use case partners of the consortium in the management structure and is responsible for ensuring continued access in the maritime use cases components, data and expert advice that the project will need for evaluation and validation of solutions.
Executive Board is responsible for making the higher level decision within the borders of the datAcron consortium.
Use Case Interest Groups will provide expert advice, review the project progress and achievements for each of the use cases and participate in the evaluation/validation of the technological solutions provided.
Scientific Committee has been created at the beginning of the project and consists of external experts from datAcronrelevant scientific, research and technical fields.