Structure Work

WP1 develops novel solutions for data management, integrating and managing data from disparate and heterogeneous data sources in real-time. It will also deliverthe integrated datAcron prototype system, incorporating research outcomes from WPs 2-4.
WP2 will deliver the datAcron trajectory detection and processing module, incorporating novel algorithms for the cross-streaming real-time detection of trajectories, the development of data analytics methods and tools over contextually enhanced trajectories of moving objects, and the development of algorithms for short- and long-term forecasting / prediction of routes, supporting outlier detection.
WP3 develops adaptive complex event recognition and forecasting technology that is able to take advantage of the wealth and variety of data, while also responding to the velocity and various degrees of data quality/veracity, taking into account its inherent uncertainty.
WP4 develops interactive scalable Visual Analytics methods and tools in the integrated datAcron system that are able to handle efficiently both historical and streaming spatio-temporal data originating from different sources, with varying levels of resolution and quality.
WP5 will evaluate and validate the integrated datAcron prototype and components according to defined maritime scenarios that will demonstrate the interest and applicability of the whole project development.
WP6 will validate the research results running experiments relevant to an Aviation Industry (ATM) use cases.
WP7 coordinates the dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities of the project.
WP8 establishes the project management procedures, performs the overall project management duties of the consortium, so that the contracted commitments are ready on time and in line with the budget.