Given that docker is active and running, you can deploy MongoDB by the following steps:
‐it flag provides an interactive shell to the docker container, ‐v flag maps the mongoData host volume to the /data/db container volume, ‐‐name is the name of the container and ‐d indicates running the container as a background process.
- Download the latest MongoDB docker image:
$sudo docker pull mongo
- In case you need a specific version of MongoDB (e.g. 4.4.1), then type:
$sudo docker pull mongo:4.2.2
- Create a directory on your host system:
$sudo mkdir ~/mongoData
- Start the container with the command:
$sudo docker run -it -v ~/mongoData:/data/db --name mongodb -d mongo
- The mongo word is the image’s name Connect to the container:
$sudo docker exec -it mongodb bash
- Then type:
$sudo mongo