
Christos Doulkeridis is Assistant Professor in the department of Digital Systems of University of Piraeus. He has been awarded Marie-Curie and ERCIM “Allain Bensoussan” fellowships for post-doctoral studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2011 and 2009 respectively. Prior to this, he received his Ph.D and M.Sc. from the Athens University of Economics and Business in 2007 and 2003 respectively, and an Electrical and Computer Engineer degree from the National Technical University of Athens in 2001. He was the second winner of “Michael Dertouzos” competition on “IT with a human face” in the 14th World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT’04) in 2004. Also, he has received the best paper award at EuroVA’19, and he belonged to the winning team in the SemEval’17/Task4 competition on sentiment analysis on Twitter data. He was the principal investigator of CloudIX (Marie-Curie Post-Doc) and RoadRunner (GSRT/ARISTEIA II), and he has participated in several EU research projects (datAcron, Track&Know, BigDataStack). Currently, he is the principal investigator of CHOROLOGOS (GSRT/HFRI), working on processing/indexing semantic spatio-temporal-textual data. His research interests include “Big Data”, cloud data management, query processing, data management in peer-to-peer networks, distributed knowledge discovery, web data management, mobile and spatial databases. He has published in top international journals (incl. VLDB J, IEEE TKDE, IEEE J-SAC, ACM TKDD, Elsevier Information Systems, Springer DPD) and conferences (incl. ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, EDBT, SSTD, PKDD, SIAM SDM) in the areas of data management, knowledge discovery and distributed systems.