Currently (since Jan.2011), Nikos Pelekis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science., University of Piraeus
He is also member of the Data Science Lab (DataStories) of the University of Piraeus.
Born in 1975, he received his B.Sc. degree from the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete (1998). He has subsequently joined the Department of Computation in the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) to pursue his M.Sc. in Information Systems Engineering (1999) and his Ph.D. in Moving Object Databases (2002). From 2004 till 2010 he was Postdoc researcher at Information Management Group.
His research interests include all topics of data science, focusing on data mining, spatiotemporal databases, management of location-based services, machine learning and geographical information systems. He has been particularly working for almost ten years in the field of Mobility Data Management and Mining, being the architect of the widely cited HERMES Moving Object Database (MOD) engine. Nikos has co-authored one monograph and more than 80 refereed articles in scientific journals and conferences, receiving more than 1000 citations, while he has received 3 best paper awards and won the SemEval'17 competition and ranked 3rd in ACM SIGSPATIAL'16 data challenge. He has offered several invited lectures in Greece and abroad (including PhD/MSc/summer courses at Rhodes, Milano, KAUST, Aalborg, Trento, Ghent, JRC Ispra) on Mobility Data Management and Data Mining topics. He is a reviewer in many international journals and conferences. He has served as co-Organizer of the Big Mobility Data Analytics (BMDA@EDBT'18) workshop and a EURO Stream on data mining and knowledge discovery (DMKD@EURO'09). He has been member of the Organizing Committee for ECML/PKDD 2011 and member of the Editorial Board of ECML PKDD 2014-, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal. He has been actively involved in more than 10 European and National R&D projects. Among them he is or was principal researcher in GeoPKDD (FP6/IST, 2005-09), MODAP (FP7/ICT, 2009-12), MOVE (COST, 2009-13; substitute member of the mgmt committee), DATASIM (FP7/ICT, 2011-14), SEEK (FP7/PEOPLE, 2012-15), DART (H2020-SESAR-2015-1, 2016-18) and datACRON (H2020, 2016-18), Track & Know (H2020, 2018-20), MASTER (MSCA-RISE).